Land Art
Responses to Wildfires
Wildfires swept across several counties in the North Bay on October 9, 2017. The inferno headed toward our community of Oakmont Village forcing my husband Ken and I to flee with a handful of belongings. The ensuing nine days of our evacuation were filled with horror. Ousted from my studio, I began to make on-site art that I recorded with my iPhone. I discovered enormous freedom in embracing ephemeral images when my physical art and possessions could be ash. I looked for anthropomorphic images as well as gathered the nearby detritus to quickly create images that emerged organically out of the environment. When we returned safely home, I cautiously approached the burn in a nearby communities to photograph the devastation. For solace, I combed beaches where the canvas of shifting sand is always littered with nature’s detritus. I continued to create spontaneous assemblages with stones, branches and dirt on nearby walks.